Can i go swimming in a lake the day I have a vasectomy?

I am having the procedure done in the morning and would like to enjoy some time at the lake in the afternoon.

Answers from doctors (12)

More About Doctor Tulsa Vasectomy Clinic

Published on May 25, 2022

Are you serious? The answer is not no but–no. The physician who does your vasectomy will give you details about the length of time before you could return to any activities. That period of time varies with the procedure that is chosen

Answered by Tulsa Vasectomy Clinic (View Profile)

Are you serious? The answer is not no but–no. The physician who does your vasectomy will give you details about the length of time before you could return to any activities. That period of time varies with the procedure that is chosen

Published on Jul 11, 2012

More About Doctor Yasmin Bootwala M.D.

Published on Jun 17, 2021

You should not go swimming in a lake immediately following a vasectomy. I recommend that patients ice on and off for the first 2 days and wear a jock strap and limit any strenuous activity x 2 weeks. The lake water will put you at increased of infection at the skin incision site.

Answered by Yasmin Bootwala M.D. (View Profile)

You should not go swimming in a lake immediately following a vasectomy. I recommend that patients ice on and off for the first 2 days and wear a jock strap and limit any strenuous activity x 2 weeks. The lake water will put you at increased of infection at the skin incision site.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Naresh Parajuli, MBBS, FRACGP

Published on Dec 03, 2018

No, do not swim for at least 7 days after the procedure. You'll increase your chances of infection and other complications.

Answered by Naresh Parajuli, MBBS, FRACGP

No, do not swim for at least 7 days after the procedure. You'll increase your chances of infection and other complications.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

More About Doctor Theodore V. Benderev, MD

Published on Mar 18, 2016

As much as the vasectomy procedure has improved, it would not be safe to enter a lake the same day. The wound closes quickly but not the same day and bacteria from the lake water could enter the wound and lead to an infection. While some doctors might allow earlier lake swimming, I have found that one week is a very safe time to wait, as it helps to ensure full closure of the wound.

Answered by Theodore V. Benderev, MD (View Profile)

As much as the vasectomy procedure has improved, it would not be safe to enter a lake the same day. The wound closes quickly but not the same day and bacteria from the lake water could enter the wound and lead to an infection. While some doctors might allow earlier lake swimming, I have found that one week is a very safe time to wait, as it helps to ensure full closure of the wound.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Michael J. Karasis, MD

Published on Jul 28, 2015

Would not suggest immersing your surgery area in water for at least 48 hours after the procedure

Answered by Michael J. Karasis, MD

Would not suggest immersing your surgery area in water for at least 48 hours after the procedure

Published on Jul 11, 2012

George Suarez, MD, FACS, FAAP

Published on Jul 28, 2015

Best if you do not go swimming after a vasectomy for 3 days.

Answered by George Suarez, MD, FACS, FAAP

Best if you do not go swimming after a vasectomy for 3 days.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

More About Doctor Tae-Woong Im, MD

Published on Jul 28, 2015


Answered by Tae-Woong Im, MD (View Profile)


Published on Jul 11, 2012

I generally recommend to my patients that they relax in a recliner at home for the first 72 hours after a vasectomy to minimize swelling and expedite recovery. If you can get a ride to the lake, relax in a chair and kick your feet up the whole time you are there, then I would not advise against that. Enjoy and I wish you a speedy recovery!

Answered by Peter Mattar, MD, M.P.H., FAAFP (View Profile)

I generally recommend to my patients that they relax in a recliner at home for the first 72 hours after a vasectomy to minimize swelling and expedite recovery. If you can get a ride to the lake, relax in a chair and kick your feet up the whole time you are there, then I would not advise against that. Enjoy and I wish you a speedy recovery!

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Steven K. Sterzer, MD

Published on Jul 28, 2015

It would be much safer from an infection standpoint to delay swimming until the scrotal entry point has healed completely, or about 5-7 days. However, a quick shower the next day following the no scalpel technique should not pose an added infection risk.

Answered by Steven K. Sterzer, MD

It would be much safer from an infection standpoint to delay swimming until the scrotal entry point has healed completely, or about 5-7 days. However, a quick shower the next day following the no scalpel technique should not pose an added infection risk.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Roscoe S. Nelson, MD, FACS

Published on Jul 28, 2015

I can't imagine your doctor recommending that. Usually 2 days of very light duty and another week of light stuff. Clarify with your doctor.

Answered by Roscoe S. Nelson, MD, FACS

I can't imagine your doctor recommending that. Usually 2 days of very light duty and another week of light stuff. Clarify with your doctor.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Anand M. Dhanda, MD, FACS

Published on Jul 28, 2015

No, there are lot of bacteria in a lake water, you don't want to get your incision infected

Answered by Anand M. Dhanda, MD, FACS

No, there are lot of bacteria in a lake water, you don't want to get your incision infected

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Stephen F. Shaban, MD

Published on Jul 28, 2015

No. No submersion in water for 5-7 days.

Answered by Stephen F. Shaban, MD

No. No submersion in water for 5-7 days.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

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