Three months after a vasectomy reversal and I still have 0 sperm count. Is there a chance the sperm will return soon?

I had a vasectomy before meeting my partner and now that we will be marrying soon, we'd like to start a family. So I had a vasectomy reversal three months ago. I have not ejaculated more than 10 times for purity purposes before marriage. I had my sperm tested after the reversal procedure and it shows that the sperm has not returned. Can we hold out hope? Is there a chance the sperm will return?

Answers from doctors (5)

More About Doctor John C. McHugh, MD

Published on Oct 29, 2017

It takes about three to four months for the testicle to begin producing sperm again after a reversal. It would be more encouraging if there were some sperm seen as this would assure patency i.e. the procedure worked. As it is we don't know if the repair failed or that the testicles have "picked up the ball" so to speak and begun producing sperm. I'd recommend a repeat semen analysis at six months. Time will tell and yes there is hope. I have had patients with minimal numbers of sperm at one year and pregnant at two years.

Answered by John C. McHugh, MD (View Profile)

It takes about three to four months for the testicle to begin producing sperm again after a reversal. It would be more encouraging if there were some sperm seen as this would assure patency i.e. the procedure worked. As it is we don't know if the repair failed or that the testicles have "picked up the ball" so to speak and begun producing sperm. I'd recommend a repeat semen analysis at six months. Time will tell and yes there is hope. I have had patients with minimal numbers of sperm at one year and pregnant at two years.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Marc Goldstein, MD, FACS

Published on Jan 07, 2016

Very unlikely sperm will return if a vasovasostomy was performed on at least one side and sperm were found in the vas on at least one side. If a bilateral vasoepididymostomy was performed, occasionally it can take up to 9 months for sperm to return. But even then usually some sperm are seen in the ejaculate at 3 months. Success of repeat reversal in the hands of an experienced microsurgeon is excellent, especially if sperm were found in at least one vas.

Answered by Marc Goldstein, MD, FACS

Very unlikely sperm will return if a vasovasostomy was performed on at least one side and sperm were found in the vas on at least one side. If a bilateral vasoepididymostomy was performed, occasionally it can take up to 9 months for sperm to return. But even then usually some sperm are seen in the ejaculate at 3 months. Success of repeat reversal in the hands of an experienced microsurgeon is excellent, especially if sperm were found in at least one vas.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Stephen F. Shaban, MD

Published on Jan 07, 2016

By 4 months post-reversal, I would be concerned if I saw no swimming sperm. It can be redone and/or a sperm harvest could be done, but then you would have to proceed with IVF.

Answered by Stephen F. Shaban, MD

By 4 months post-reversal, I would be concerned if I saw no swimming sperm. It can be redone and/or a sperm harvest could be done, but then you would have to proceed with IVF.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Larry I. Lipshultz, MD

Published on Jan 07, 2016

Yes, there is a chance the sperm will return. Ask your doctor about a one month course of anti-inflammatories.

Answered by Larry I. Lipshultz, MD

Yes, there is a chance the sperm will return. Ask your doctor about a one month course of anti-inflammatories.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Neil H. Baum, MD

Published on Jan 07, 2016

After three months, no sperm seen? Highly unlikely that the reversal will be successful but it is possible, so you should continue to obtain semen examinations.

Answered by Neil H. Baum, MD

After three months, no sperm seen? Highly unlikely that the reversal will be successful but it is possible, so you should continue to obtain semen examinations.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

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