If I get a vasectomy and then decide I want to reverse it, does it matter how old I am?

I'm 35 and I don't think I want to have children. If for some reason I do find someone later on in life, and I want to have kids does it matter how old I am? Could I be 45 and get a reversal? Should I not get a vasectomy if I think I'll want kids?

Answers from doctors (10)

More About Doctor John C. McHugh, MD

Published on May 13, 2019

For the male, not as much as the female. Females under 39 years old have a higher success rate than those who are older. As with all medical procedures, the younger and healthier you are, generally, the better you'll do.

Answered by John C. McHugh, MD (View Profile)

For the male, not as much as the female. Females under 39 years old have a higher success rate than those who are older. As with all medical procedures, the younger and healthier you are, generally, the better you'll do.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Ranjith Ramasamy M.D.

Published on Mar 29, 2016

Age does not appear to influence success with vasectomy reversal and therefore you can get a vasectomy. Nevertheless, vasectomy should be considered permanent sterilization. The duration since vasectomy appears to be the most important factor that affects successful reversal.

Answered by Ranjith Ramasamy M.D.

Age does not appear to influence success with vasectomy reversal and therefore you can get a vasectomy. Nevertheless, vasectomy should be considered permanent sterilization. The duration since vasectomy appears to be the most important factor that affects successful reversal.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Age does not matter, just if your sperm production is still good and how many years have passed since your vasectomy.

Answered by Shane T. Russell, MD - Westerville Office (View Profile)

Age does not matter, just if your sperm production is still good and how many years have passed since your vasectomy.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Larry I. Lipshultz, MD

Published on Jun 16, 2015

You should NOT get a vasectomy if you think you might EVER wants children. A vasectomy should be viewed as permanent contraception. If an unexpected change in your life does occur and you have had a reversal, your age is a relatively unimportant variable indetermining a reversal's success.

Answered by Larry I. Lipshultz, MD

You should NOT get a vasectomy if you think you might EVER wants children. A vasectomy should be viewed as permanent contraception. If an unexpected change in your life does occur and you have had a reversal, your age is a relatively unimportant variable indetermining a reversal's success.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Michael J. Karasis, MD

Published on Jun 16, 2015

Do not get a vasectomy if you think you may still want kids. Reversals are costly and do not always work. In general, age doesn't matter when considering a vas reversal so long as you are in good health --- Dr. Karasis Urologist

Answered by Michael J. Karasis, MD

Do not get a vasectomy if you think you may still want kids. Reversals are costly and do not always work. In general, age doesn't matter when considering a vas reversal so long as you are in good health --- Dr. Karasis Urologist

Published on Jul 11, 2012

More About Doctor Tae-Woong Im, MD

Published on Jun 16, 2015

Best not to have vasectomy if you have uncertainty. You can do the reversal later on, but there is no guarantee it will be successful

Answered by Tae-Woong Im, MD (View Profile)

Best not to have vasectomy if you have uncertainty. You can do the reversal later on, but there is no guarantee it will be successful

Published on Jul 11, 2012

More About Doctor Allen Futral, MD

Published on Jun 16, 2015

The chance for success decreases with time from the operation, most significantly at about ten years. Usually best not to get a vasectomy if considering a family. The operation is often successful but at its best has failure rates that increase over time.

Answered by Allen Futral, MD (View Profile)

The chance for success decreases with time from the operation, most significantly at about ten years. Usually best not to get a vasectomy if considering a family. The operation is often successful but at its best has failure rates that increase over time.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Russel H. Williams, MD

Published on Jun 16, 2015

Sperm production can drop with age, even though slowly.
With more in more years out since your vasectomy the likelihood of a successful reversal goes down. The reason being is that you might develop a secondary epididymal obstruction, an obstruction in the small tubes directly outside the testicle. I have performed successful vasectomy reversals in men's who's vasectomy were 20 and 25 years ago.
Regards Russel Williams MD Houston

Answered by Russel H. Williams, MD

Sperm production can drop with age, even though slowly.
With more in more years out since your vasectomy the likelihood of a successful reversal goes down. The reason being is that you might develop a secondary epididymal obstruction, an obstruction in the small tubes directly outside the testicle. I have performed successful vasectomy reversals in men's who's vasectomy were 20 and 25 years ago.
Regards Russel Williams MD Houston

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Stephen F. Shaban, MD

Published on Jun 16, 2015

Vasectomy is not recommended to be a form of temporary birth control.
A vasectomy reversal is feasible and the pregnancy outcomes are better in patients who choose to have a rehearsal done in less than 10 years from the time of their vasectomy.
If you choose to do the vasectomy reversal more than 10 years after the time of your vasectomy then the pregnancy rates are considerably less.

Answered by Stephen F. Shaban, MD

Vasectomy is not recommended to be a form of temporary birth control.
A vasectomy reversal is feasible and the pregnancy outcomes are better in patients who choose to have a rehearsal done in less than 10 years from the time of their vasectomy.
If you choose to do the vasectomy reversal more than 10 years after the time of your vasectomy then the pregnancy rates are considerably less.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Neil H. Baum, MD

Published on Jun 16, 2015

My advice is ALWAYS to consider a vasectomy a permanent form of sterilization. Yes, it can be reversed but at ten years the liklihood of achieving a pregnancy is significantly diminished. I would strongly suggest that you defer the procedure if there is any possibility that you may want to have additional children. Neil Baum, Professor of Clinical Urology at Tulane University.

Answered by Neil H. Baum, MD

My advice is ALWAYS to consider a vasectomy a permanent form of sterilization. Yes, it can be reversed but at ten years the liklihood of achieving a pregnancy is significantly diminished. I would strongly suggest that you defer the procedure if there is any possibility that you may want to have additional children. Neil Baum, Professor of Clinical Urology at Tulane University.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

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