Is it worth having done after 20 years?

My partner is 50 and I’m 32. Is it worth him having a Vasectomy reversal?

Answers from doctors (1)

More About Doctor Tulsa Vasectomy Clinic

Published on Jun 24, 2022

A man can achieve fatherhood usually over the majority of his life. A woman cannot. The upper limit of pregnancy differs from lady to lady but if a female gets pregnant after the age of 35 the likelihood of having a normal child is interrupted by an increase in multiple diseases–particularly Down's syndrome

Answered by Tulsa Vasectomy Clinic (View Profile)

A man can achieve fatherhood usually over the majority of his life. A woman cannot. The upper limit of pregnancy differs from lady to lady but if a female gets pregnant after the age of 35 the likelihood of having a normal child is interrupted by an increase in multiple diseases–particularly Down's syndrome

Published on Jul 11, 2012

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