Does a vasectomy lower your testostrone levels?

After a vasectomy, will testosterone levels lower in a man, requiring a testosterone supplement?

Answers from doctors (4)

More About Doctor Tulsa Vasectomy Clinic

Published on Jul 06, 2022

The answer is no. Testosterone is made by the testicles and gets into the bloodstream which carries it out by a totally separate mechanism than how sperm get out. Blocking sperm from your ejaculate has nothing to do with testosterone. Testosterone levels remain normal

Answered by Tulsa Vasectomy Clinic (View Profile)

The answer is no. Testosterone is made by the testicles and gets into the bloodstream which carries it out by a totally separate mechanism than how sperm get out. Blocking sperm from your ejaculate has nothing to do with testosterone. Testosterone levels remain normal

Published on Jul 11, 2012

More About Doctor John C. McHugh, MD

Published on May 11, 2017

No. The testicles do produce testosterone and the cells that do this release the hormone into the blood system. In other words these cells, Leydig, are not connected to tubules that lead to the vas deferens and hence hormone production and release is not affected. Sperm on the other hand is also produced in the testicles and the cells that produce them are connected to the epididymis which in turn is connected to the vas deferens and hence why a vasectomy makes men infertile.
However true this might be, men when telling coworkers they are getting a vasectomy, are commonly kidded and told "You going to talk like a girl after this." or " So you're going to get neutered!" Don't let it bother you, it is a vasectomy rite of passage.

Answered by John C. McHugh, MD (View Profile)

No. The testicles do produce testosterone and the cells that do this release the hormone into the blood system. In other words these cells, Leydig, are not connected to tubules that lead to the vas deferens and hence hormone production and release is not affected. Sperm on the other hand is also produced in the testicles and the cells that produce them are connected to the epididymis which in turn is connected to the vas deferens and hence why a vasectomy makes men infertile.
However true this might be, men when telling coworkers they are getting a vasectomy, are commonly kidded and told "You going to talk like a girl after this." or " So you're going to get neutered!" Don't let it bother you, it is a vasectomy rite of passage.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Steven K. Sterzer, MD

Published on Jan 09, 2017

No, a vasectomy has nothing to do with testosterone.

Answered by Steven K. Sterzer, MD

No, a vasectomy has nothing to do with testosterone.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

More About Doctor Theodore V. Benderev, MD

Published on Jan 05, 2017

A vasectomy should not lower testosterone levels. The "Leydig" cells of the testicle that produce testosterone are adjacent and separate from the "seminiferous tubules" where the cells forming sperm are located.

Answered by Theodore V. Benderev, MD (View Profile)

A vasectomy should not lower testosterone levels. The "Leydig" cells of the testicle that produce testosterone are adjacent and separate from the "seminiferous tubules" where the cells forming sperm are located.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

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